Thermostat Repair & Installation in Hockley

If you feel your HVAC system isn’t heating and cooling as efficiently as it should, a thermostat repair might be your best solution. Thermostat repair is relatively cheap, so it could be the most cost-effective solution for your needs. Before you let another company talk you into an expensive and unnecessary AC replacement, let us repair or replace your thermostat to see if that helps!

Call BVS at (281) 391-1510 to ask about our thermostat options and see what our business can do for you!

Thermostat Repair Services

At BVS, we pride ourselves on being local experts in HVAC and thermostat repair. We have plenty of options for thermostat repair and replacement and can install a thermostat that fits your unique needs.

Since the thermostat is the brain behind your HVAC system, it is critical to its operation. Repairing or replacing a faulty thermostat is key to improving your home’s comfort. Here are some of the thermostat repair services we offer in Hockley, TX.

  • Thermostat sensor replacement/repair
  • Troubleshooting faulty thermostats
  • Installing new thermostats
  • Upgrading thermostats
  • Replacing poor connections
While we’re there installing a new thermostat, consider letting us service your HVAC unit. AC units require servicing at least once a year, ideally twice a year. We can catch most major AC problems with regular servicing and help improve your unit’s efficiency.
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repair or replace

When to Replace or Repair Thermostats

While thermostats aren’t as susceptible to damage as the outside unit of your HVAC system, thermostats can still break and wear out. Thermostat repair and replacement are rare, but they aren’t impossible. Here are some reasons to replace or repair a thermostat:

Bad sensors

If your thermostat can’t read the room temperature properly, you should replace it.


Older thermostats have a significant error margin. Replace it to have more accurate readings and efficient run times.


Thermostats are sensitive to water, smoke, lightning, humidity, pests, and high temperatures. If yours is damaged, call us.

Upgrading HVAC systems

When installing a new AC unit, you should also consider getting a new thermostat. Even a new, standard thermostat will be an effective upgrade from your old one.

How to Tell You Need Professional AC Servicing

When we perform a thermostat repair or replacement, we work on three main types. Let’s look at each one and briefly discuss the pros and cons of each type.

Customer-Centered AC & Thermostat Repair

At BVS, we believe in a customer-focused approach to business. We provide the best value of work in Hockley, TX, and strive to improve customer experience in the HVAC industry. Our technicians always put the customer first and work to quickly and efficiently diagnose AC or thermostat problems in every home.

If you need thermostat repair in Hockley, TX, call BVS at (281) 391-1510 to schedule a repair today!
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