4 Tips to Prepare Your Heating System for Winter

Yep, it’s that time of the year again! With winter on the doorstep, you no doubt want to make sure that you’ve prepared your home and heating system for the coldest months of the year. Whether you’re staying warm using a furnace or heat pump, the last thing you want is to be left in the cold without warning! With that in mind, our team here at BVS Air Conditioning & Heating has a few tips to get your heating system ready for anything winter throws at it.

Looking for top-class HVAC professionals for your home heating needs? Contact BVS online today!

4 Fast Tips To Prep for the Winter in Houston

Replace the filters in your home’s furnace.

If you haven’t changed the filter in your furnace in the last few months, put it at the top of your to-do list. A dirty filter is actually one of the most common causes of malfunctions in HVAC units! A clean filter will keep costs down, air quality up, and your heating system healthy! Some experts suggest that you change your filter every three months, others encourage monthly replacements. As a rule of thumb, give your filter a look once a month. If it’s clean, let it be, if not, change it out!

Keep your vents clear and air flowing.

One easy, yet often-overlooked, way to prepare for winter is to go through your home and take stock of the vents in each room. It seems obvious once it’s been said, but you might be surprised by how often a home suffers from insufficient heating because furniture is blocking an air vent. A blocked vent doesn’t provide proper heating to the room, and can even cause your furnace to overheat.

As an added tip, closing vents in unused rooms might not be such a great idea. While it seems like doing so will save money, the consequences of closing off HVAC vents are worse than any potential benefit. Closed air vents reduce healthy air flow, can cause leaks in your ducts, lead to excess moisture and mold growth in closed-off vents, and, in worst cases, crack your system’s heat exchanger—which can lead to carbon monoxide leaking into your home.

Be sure to check every place where heat is blown out or air is pulled in, and keep your home safe!

Clean your furnace before using it.

Needless to say, many peoples’ furnaces don’t see much use in the middle of summer here in Texas. During the warmer seasons, dust, dirt, and debris can collect on (and inside) your furnace. If it isn’t cleaned out, your furnace may begin acting up. Be sure to check your furnace burners before turning up the heat this winter. If they aren’t cleaned, your furnace’s burners can struggle to function correctly.

Never let your home go too long without a proper system maintenance.

With holidays just around the corner and cutting into your budget, you may be tempted to talk yourself into trying to care for your heating system on your own. Don’t!

The only real way to ensure your heating system is safe and perfectly functional at the beginning of each winter season is to schedule a maintenance service with a reliable business. HVAC service professionals are experienced with the ins and outs of heating system maintenance and repair, and can find and fix issues before they leave you stuck in the cold.

Heating Services in Houston, Texas

Your goal is strong, dependable, and energy-efficient heat. What service covers all of these? Professional maintenance! Routine care for your system works to optimize your system, and provide the professional care it needs to continue operating at its best. For the best in high-quality care and solutions, count on the team at BVS for all of your maintenance needs. Contact us today!

Author Bio:

Ronald Via

Ronald is one of the key contributors to BVS Home Experts, a family-owned and operated full-service air conditioning and heating company serving the Katy and West Houston areas. With a deep understanding of air conditioning and heating concerns, Ronald brings a wealth of knowledge to our readers.

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