
R-410A Refrigerant Phase-Out: Upgrade Your AC Now And Save Big

Refrigerant changes aren’t new to the HVAC industry, but the upcoming phase-out of the R-410A refrigerant is significant and approaching quickly. In this blog from BVS Home Experts, we’ll discuss what the R-410A refrigerant phase-out means for Texas homeowners and why taking action now is critical. What Is the 2025 Refrigerant Mandate? The 2025 refrigerant […]

Why Is My Heat Pump Freezing up in the Summer?

why is my heat pump freezing up in summer

Are you having problems with your heat pump? BVS can help when you call (281) 391-1510. Have you noticed the unusual phenomenon of your heat pump accumulating ice even though it’s hot outside? You must be wondering, “Why is my heat pump freezing up in summer?” Keep reading to discover the answer. As the best heat […]

AC Tips for Allergy Sufferers in Texas

Cheerful family is playing with pretty puppy

Spring is a beautiful season here in Texas, but unfortunately, all those blooming flowers and budding trees lead to unpleasant symptoms for allergy sufferers. Some of the most common outdoor Texas allergies include oak pollen, ragweed, cottonwood, and mountain cedar. Then, some pollutants are present indoors no matter where you live, including dust, mold, and […]

Indoor Air Quality Facts & Statistics

Enjoying tea by the window

How clean is the air inside your Texas home? If you are like most homeowners, it’s far dirtier than you think. Here are some important facts to consider about indoor air quality and how it affects your home and family. 1. Indoor Air Quality Is Dangerous According to the World Health Organization, around 4.3 million […]

How to Save Energy During the Holidays

Save Energy During Holidays

Let’s face it—we could all use a little more cash in our pockets during the holidays. Whether you’re buying gifts and decorations, or traveling to visit family, most people’s expenses are higher during this time of year. But they don’t all have to be that way! Because we love being on Santa’s nice list, the […]

6 Reasons to Schedule Spring HVAC Maintenance

spring hvac maintenance

One of the most important tasks to include on your annual spring to-do list is HVAC maintenance. Regular maintenance can ensure the integrity of your cooling equipment and the safety and comfort of your family. Keep reading for even more reasons to schedule professional AC maintenance this spring! Why Is Spring a Good Time for HVAC Maintenance? Most homeowners […]

Spooky Things Lurking in Your HVAC System

Halloween Illustration

October has rolled around once more, and you know what that means! Warm cider and candy? Well, yes. But more importantly, it’s the month of Halloween and spooky things abound. Creepies and crawlies stand ready right outside our doors, and whether you’re a big fan of the season or not, there are plenty of frights […]

Tips for Starting Your Furnace This Fall

Furnace this Fall

It has been bordering on downright pleasant these past few weeks. Temperatures are dropping and fall is in swing. And while we couldn’t be happier to see a little relief, the experts at BVS Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning know well that winter is soon to come. Is your furnace ready to take on the […]

Your Ultimate Pilot Light Guide

AC repair & HVAC service in Katy, TX

We always aim to offer the best services and solutions to our patrons. And as far as this blog is concerned, that often means helping troubleshoot some heavy-duty issues. But sometimes all a homeowner needs is some basic instruction! Are you the owner of a heating system that requires a pilot light to operate? Do […]

Fix your Heater or AC