BVS Home Experts

Why Your Heater Smells Like It’s Burning

Why Your Heater Smells Like It’s Burning

With the temperature starting to cool down here in Texas, you may try and turn on your heater for the first time in what feels like a while. Immediately, you smell this strong burning scent that sets off alarms in your head that something must be on fire! Try not to immediately panic, here are […]

How to Prepare Your HVAC for the Winter

How to Prepare your HVAC for the Winter – Dec1

Winter is approaching quickly and as the temperature drops, your heater will be a lifeline from the cold. As you scurry inside, you rely on the heat to quickly warm you up. Here are some tips to prepare your heating system for colder weather. Change your air filter. Dirty air filters are one of the […]

Indoor Air Quality Tips

Air Quality Nov18

It is cooling down here in Texas, and soon people might be spending more time indoors with family this holiday season. With those extra hours inside, you want to make sure you have good indoor air quality. Poor air quality can lead to allergies and other health issues. Here are some ways you can make […]

Is your HVAC unit energy efficient?


We are coming to the end of summer here in Texas and your HVAC unit (and your wallet) may have taken a hit from all its hard work. You may be wondering, is my HVAC really running as its best, most energy-efficient self? Here are some ways you can tell whether it is working at […]

Why Changing your Air Filter is so Important


You have probably heard it a million times from HVAC companies, but it is recommended you change your air filter every 1-2 months. You may think, “my AC works fine, why would I need to do that?”. Below are some reasons why it is important not only for your AC unit but for your own […]

5 Tips to Minimize Strain on your HVAC System During the Summer


It is a constant fight with the thermostat, figuring out how to keep your air at a comfortable yet affordable temperature.  Not only does summer bring a surge in energy cost, but it can also cause a higher risk of problems and even full breakdowns. Here are some tips you can try to help avoid […]

How to Cool Your House When Your Air Conditioner Stops Working


Oh no! You’re sitting in your living room watching a movie and you realize that it’s hot! Warm air is blowing out of the vents and you don’t know what to do. You call the air conditioner repair company right away, but what can you do to stay cool until they arrive?   Cool the […]

Why Your AC Will Break Down This Summer & How To Solve It

Summer is just around the corner here in Texas. Are you ready for the hot, humid days? How about your air conditioner? Or do you need an AC repair? Don’t wait until you are sitting on your couch and sweating. Take care of your air conditioning system now to prevent a summer break down.   […]

Fix your Heater or AC