BVS Home Experts

Why Changing your Air Filter is so Important

You have probably heard it a million times from HVAC companies, but it is recommended you change your air filter every 1-2 months. You may think, “my AC works fine, why would I need to do that?”. Below are some reasons why it is important not only for your AC unit but for your own health.


Indoor Air Quality

Changing your air filter can improve the quality of the air you breathe within your home. Air filters can help to remove and reduce airborne particles that float within your home, including ones that are a great health concern. Your air filter can accumulate dirt and get full, not able to do its job and filter out the air you breathe every day.


Asthma and Allergies

You may take your allergy pills regularly and do everything you can to try to help alleviate symptoms yet forget about changing your air filter. There are certain air filters that work best to help with particles that trigger asthma or allergies, and a professional can help you figure out what works best for you and your lifestyle.


AC Damage/Lack of Cooling

No one wants to pay extra for AC when they don’t have to. In order to decrease your expenses, buying an air filter today may be a quick solution. When you don’t change out your air filter, dust and particles build up causing your AC unit to work overtime to reach your desired temperature. This can potentially cause damage and long-term effects to your unit and cause you to pay more while you are not able to cool down your home.


Signs you May Need to Change your Air Filter

  • It has been more than 1-2 months
  • There is dirt and dust accumulating around the air vents
  • There is a spike in your electricity bill
  • Your air filter looks dirty or damaged
  • Your allergies have increased

No matter what happens, we are here for you at BVS Home Experts. We have air conditioner technicians standing by 24/7 (yes, even on holidays!). You don’t need to worry anymore because we’ll get everything taken care of to get your home back to normal.

Make sure your home is comfortable and efficient all year long. For comprehensive air conditioning repair services, contact BVS Home Experts today to restore your comfort.

Author Bio:

Ronald Via

Ronald is one of the key contributors to BVS Home Experts, a family-owned and operated full-service air conditioning and heating company serving the Katy and West Houston areas. With a deep understanding of air conditioning and heating concerns, Ronald brings a wealth of knowledge to our readers.


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